Tag: Kirk Douglas

Episode 2: Out of the Past

Out of the PastIn this episode, we discuss Jacques Tourneur’s 1947 thriller, Out of the Past. It stars two of the most famous chin dimples of all time: Kirk Douglas and Robert Mitchum, and they are joined by the fabulous Jane Greer.

We highly recommend you watch the film with us, because it’s great. It can be found on DVD, but if you’re a streaming video person, it can also be found for streaming rental on Vudu and iTunes.

Our next episode will be about the steamy 1946 version of The Postman Always Rings Twice. Look for it on June 21st!

Out of the Past (1947)
Out of the Past poster Rating: 8.0/10 (41,771 votes)
Director: Jacques Tourneur
Writer: Daniel Mainwaring, James M. Cain, Frank Fenton
Stars: Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas
Runtime: 97 min
Rated: Approved
Genre: Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
Released: 01 Dec 1947
Plot: A private eye escapes his past to run a gas station in a small town, but his past catches up with him. Now he must return to the big city world of danger, corruption, double crosses, and duplicitous dames.