Melissa Kaercher

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  1. Episode 20: Gun Crazy — 2 comments
  2. Episode 31: Ministry of Fear — 2 comments
  3. Episode 38: Cape Fear (1991) — 2 comments
  4. Episode 52: Call Northside 777 — 1 comments

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Episode 57: The Set-Up

, with special guest:

The Set-UpFor this week’s episode, we watch a very early Robert Wise film, The Set-Up!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because the episode is full of spoilers. The film is available on streaming on iTunes, Vudu, Google Play, and YouTube.

If you want to read the poem that this movie was based on, you can enjoy “The Set-Up” by Joseph Moncure March right here.

Please also join us again on May 7th, when we take a brief detour into comedy with To Be or Not to Be!

The Set-Up (1949)
The Set-Up poster Rating: 7.8/10 (10,278 votes)
Director: Robert Wise
Writer: Art Cohn, Joseph Moncure March
Stars: Robert Ryan, Audrey Totter, George Tobias
Runtime: 73 min
Rated: Approved
Genre: Crime, Film-Noir, Sport
Released: 02 Apr 1949
Plot: Expecting the usual loss, a boxing manager takes bribes from a betting gangster without telling his fighter.


Episode 56: Berlin Express

, with special guest:

Berlin ExpressFor this week’s episode, we visit bombed-out postwar Germany with Berlin Express!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because the episode is full of spoilers. The film is readily available on streaming on iTunes, Vudu, Google Play, and YouTube.

Please also join us again on April 21st, when we follow Robert Ryan to The Set-Up!

Berlin Express (1948)
Berlin Express poster Rating: 6.8/10 (3,732 votes)
Director: Jacques Tourneur
Writer: Harold Medford, Curt Siodmak
Stars: Merle Oberon, Robert Ryan, Charles Korvin
Runtime: 87 min
Rated: Approved
Genre: Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
Released: 01 May 1948
Plot: A multinational group of train passengers become involved in a post-World War II Nazi assassination plot.

Reel Education: Noir will return March 21st!

We’ve had some challenges scheduling our next recording sessions, so we will not be able to post any new episodes until March 21st. Sorry for the delay!

Our parent podcast A Reel Education will continue uninterrupted over the next month, so while you’re waiting for our return, please check out their latest episode about High Noon, as well as their upcoming episodes about The Goonies and this year’s Best Picture Oscar winner!

Episode 55: The Third Man

The Third ManFor this week’s episode, we visit one of the great British noir films, The Third Man!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because we spoil the heck out if it. The film is readily available on streaming on Netflix, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play, YouTube, and Amazon.

Please also join us again on February 21st, when we watch another WWII aftermath noir, Berlin Express!

The Third Man (1949)
The Third Man poster Rating: 8.1/10 (187,102 votes)
Director: Carol Reed
Writer: Graham Greene, Orson Welles, Alexander Korda
Stars: Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli
Runtime: 93 min
Rated: Approved
Genre: Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery
Released: 01 Feb 1950
Plot: Pulp novelist Holly Martins travels to shadowy, postwar Vienna, only to find himself investigating the mysterious death of an old friend, Harry Lime.

Episode 54: Rear Window

For this week’s episode, we conclude our Jimmy Stewart series as we view Hitchcock’s delightful Rear Window!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because there be spoilers ahead. The film is readily available on streaming on Google Play, YouTube, iTunes, Vudu, and Amazon.

Please also join us again on February 7th, when we talk about the amazing British classic, The Third Man!

Rear Window (1954)
Rear Window poster Rating: 8.5/10 (538,306 votes)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Writer: John Michael Hayes, Cornell Woolrich
Stars: James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Wendell Corey
Runtime: 112 min
Rated: PG
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Released: 01 Sep 1954
Plot: A bored photographer recovering from a broken leg passes the time by watching his neighbors and begins to suspect one of them of murder.

Episode 53: Winchester ’73

Winchester 73For this week’s episode, we continue with our Jimmy Stewart series as we visit Anthony Mann’s noir-western, Winchester ’73!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because there be spoilers ahead. The film is readily available on streaming on Google Play, YouTube, iTunes, Vudu, and Amazon.

Please also join us again on January 21st, when we return with an episode about Rear Window!

Winchester '73 (1950)
Winchester '73 poster Rating: 7.6/10 (22,648 votes)
Director: Anthony Mann
Writer: Robert L. Richards, Borden Chase, Stuart N. Lake
Stars: James Stewart, Shelley Winters, Dan Duryea
Runtime: 92 min
Rated: Approved
Genre: Action, Drama, Western
Released: 12 Jul 1950
Plot: A cowboy's obsession with a stolen rifle leads to a bullet-ridden odyssey through the American West.

Episode 52: Call Northside 777

Call Northside 777For this week’s episode, we launch into a Jimmy Stewart series, starting with Call Northside 777!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because we spoil things. The film is readily available on streaming on Google Play, YouTube, iTunes, and Amazon.

Please also join us again on January 7th, when we return with an episode about Winchester 73!

Call Northside 777 (1948)
Call Northside 777 poster Rating: 7.4/10 (10,721 votes)
Director: Henry Hathaway
Writer: Jerome Cady, Jay Dratler, Leonard Hoffman
Stars: James Stewart, Richard Conte, Lee J. Cobb
Runtime: 112 min
Rated: Approved
Genre: Drama, Film-Noir
Released: 01 Mar 1948
Plot: Chicago reporter P.J. McNeal re-opens a decade-old murder case.

Episode 51: Body Heat

Body HeatFor this week’s episode, we delve into Lawrence Kasdan’s steamy 80’s thriller, Body Heat!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because don’t care about spoilers. The film is readily available on streaming on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu.

Please also join us again on November 21st, when return with an episode about Call Northside 777!

Body Heat (1981)
Body Heat poster Rating: 7.4/10 (41,301 votes)
Director: Lawrence Kasdan
Writer: Lawrence Kasdan
Stars: William Hurt, Kathleen Turner, Richard Crenna
Runtime: 113 min
Rated: R
Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance
Released: 28 Aug 1981
Plot: During an extreme heatwave, a beautiful Florida woman and a seedy lawyer engage in an affair while plotting the murder of her rich husband.

Episode 50: Double Indemnity

, with special guest:

Double IndemnityFINALLY, it’s here! For episode 50, former co-host Windy returns to the podcast for an episode about Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because we dive right into the plot. The film is readily available on streaming with a subscription to FilmStruck, and is available for rental on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu.

Please also join us again on October 21st, when return with an episode about Body Heat!

Double Indemnity (1944)
Double Indemnity poster Rating: 8.3/10 (173,009 votes)
Director: Billy Wilder
Writer: Billy Wilder, Raymond Chandler, James M. Cain
Stars: Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson
Runtime: 107 min
Rated: Approved
Genre: Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
Released: 06 Jul 1944
Plot: An insurance representative is seduced by a dissatisfied housewife into a scheme of insurance fraud and murder that arouses the suspicion of his colleague, a claims investigator.

Episode 49: Diabolique

DiaboliqueIn this week’s episode, we introduce Tonya to another Henri-Georges Clouzot masterpiece: the truly wicked Diabolique!

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because of spoilers. No, really, we are truly, honestly serious this time… you don’t want this one spoiled if you’ve never seen it! The film is readily available on streaming with a subscription to FilmStruck. (They have a free trial deal, too.)

Please also join us again on June 7th, when we celebrate our 50th episode with Double Indemnity!

Diabolique (1955)
Diabolique poster Rating: 8.1/10 (70,970 votes)
Director: Henri-Georges Clouzot
Writer: Pierre Boileau, Thomas Narcejac, Henri-Georges Clouzot
Stars: Simone Signoret, Véra Clouzot, Paul Meurisse
Runtime: 117 min
Rated: Not Rated
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror
Released: 21 Nov 1955
Plot: The wife and mistress of a loathed school principal plan to murder him with what they believe is the perfect alibi.