Podcast Guest: Stephanie Zuercher

Episode 22: Sunset Boulevard

, with special guest:

Sunset BoulevardThis week, we finally watch one of the greatest films noir that ever noired: Sunset Boulevard.

(Yes, dear listeners, we also did a full episode on Sunset Boulevard over on the parent podcast Reel Education back in  2014. The two shows are different. The first one features Melissa’s full barrage of trivia; this one is more dedicated to our raw reactions after seeing the film in a packed theater.)

We highly recommend you watch the film before listening to the episode, because wow, it’s a great movie. This film is currently available pretty much everywhere: Netflix Streaming, Amazon Instant, Vudu, Google Play, and YouTube.

Join us on April 21st for our episode on Caged!

Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Sunset Boulevard poster Rating: 8.4/10 (245,601 votes)
Director: Billy Wilder
Writer: Charles Brackett, Billy Wilder, D.M. Marshman Jr.
Stars: William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich von Stroheim
Runtime: 110 min
Rated: Approved
Genre: Drama, Film-Noir
Released: 04 Aug 1950
Plot: A screenwriter develops a dangerous relationship with a faded film star determined to make a triumphant return.